Word from the Pastor

...from all over the world want to come to America to enjoy the freedoms we enjoy. Never forget that our freedom was not free. It cost many men and women their lives to fight for the freedoms we have today.

In Exodus we read about how God delivered the Israelites out of the tyranny and slavery of the Egyptians. He heard their cries of despair and sent Moses and Aaron to set them free. However, it did not take long for God's people to complain about the journey in the wilderness. God provided evidence of His presence with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He provided manna, quail, and water, and they still complained.

The Israelites had three alternatives and so do we; first they could have chosen to go back to Egypt. Egypt is a symbol of sin and slavery. Sin always destroys, causes guilt, shame, and fear. Without Jesus in our lives we are living in the slavery of sin and Satan. Jesus came to set us free from sin and all the side effects from it. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Going back to Egypt, sin, and worldly pleasures would be a terribly wrong choice.

The second choice could be to stay in the wilderness of stagnation. Spiritual stagnation can lead to spiritual death. Sadly, many Christians are that way today-stagnant and not growing in their walk with God. Not moving forward in their spiritual journey.

The third choice could be to move forward in God to the Promised Land. A land flowing with milk and honey, the blessings of God. Freedom from the slavery of sin. As Christians we can enjoy the promises of God now and for eternity.

True freedom comes from knowing Jesus personally as your Savior and Lord, and following close to Him to the Promised Land of heaven. Don't be stuck in Egypt's sin. Don't stop thanking Jesus for your spiritual freedom and for the freedom we have in America. 

     God Bless You, and God Bless America,

     Pastor TJ Kroll